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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Wine warnings raise my blood pressure

Drinking three glasses of red wine a week does not increase my blood pressure nearly as much as constantly being told that drinking three glasses will raise my blood pressure (Bad news, red wine drinkers: alcohol is only ever bad for your health, 20 August). Neil ColeHemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire
My mother was prescribed Guinness when breastfeeding me in 1951 (Letters, 21 August). Maybe that’s why I now like a nice red wine.Geraldine BlakeWorthing, West Sussex
Elizabeth Nonweiler seems to suggest all children can use phonics (Letters, 18 August). What about dyslexic children – “cat, mat, rat” means absolutely nothing without a picture (a flashcard). Some even need pipecleaner letters to feel their shape. The “phonics screening check” does not reduce inequalities, it highlights them. Different approaches to reading are essential.Dorothy RavenExeter
When rebuilding relationships with the EU (Editorial, 22 August), could we have two lanes on entry: one for Brexit voters and the other for remainers? Seems fair.David ProtheroHarlington, Bedfordshire
Should Yotam Ottolenghi’s prep times include the time it takes to find all the ingredients in the shops (Yotam Ottolenghi on the joy of comfort food, 17 August)?David HeadPeterborough
